PM Studios is pioneering a transformation in the way people play videogames. We are building deeper relationships with our players by keeping games fresh with new content and engaging live services. This has fundamentally changed our business model, moving from a dependency on game launches to generating stable revenue year around driven by live services. Diversification across geographies, game platforms, game genres and player demographics further adds to the stability of the model.
PM Studios is pioneering a transformation in the way people play videogames. We are building deeper relationships with our players by keeping games fresh with new content and engaging live services. This has fundamentally changed our business model, moving from a dependency on game
PM Studios is pioneering a transformation in the way people play videogames. We are building deeper relationships with our players by keeping games fresh with new content and engaging live services. This has fundamentally changed our business model, moving from a dependency on game launches to generating stable revenue year around driven by live services. Diversification across geographies, game platforms, game genres and player demographics further adds to the stability of the model.
PM Studios is pioneering a transformation in the way people play videogames. We are building deeper relationships with our players by keeping games fresh with new content and engaging live services. This has fundamentally changed our business model, moving from a dependency on game

Update: The California Governor issued a statewide stay-at-home order for all California counties. Due to the nature of our small Los Angeles based business, our online shop will resume operations with limited capacity.
Unfortunately, due to the risk and safety for both our employees and customers, we are not allowing returns of any kind for all orders. We will make sure all packages shipped are sanitized and shipped in the best condition possible but please be aware that we are not responsible for damages or delayed shipping caused by the shipping services during this pandemic.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused, stay safe!
You can RETURN an unopened product for a full refund within 14 days of the delivery date. Please be sure to return the unopened product in its entirety, with all components included. We do not accept returns on any items that were ordered through preorders. We cannot provide refunds for products that aren’t returned in full.
You can EXCHANGE an unopened product for a replacement product of equal or lesser value within 14 days of the delivery date. If you exchange for a lesser valued product, we will give you credit for the remaining balance which will be good for 1 full year from the date issued. Please be sure to return the unopened product in its entirety, with all components included. We cannot provide refunds for products that aren’t returned in full.
*Please note, you will be responsible for the return shipping costs.
If you would like to return or exchange your purchase from the PM Studios Online Store, please contact our store support at in order to begin the return/exchange process. Please include your order number, full name, email address used to make the purchase and your full mailing address.
For all returns, replacements or exchanges, please send them in a secured mailing package to:
PM Studios, Inc.
660 S. Myers St.
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Once we’ve received the item, we will replace the product. Please make sure that you use an insured shipping method to send the returned goods to us since we will not be responsible for any lost or misdirected packages.
*Due to the nature of low Limited Editions stock quantities, we cannot guarantee that we will have products or components of products in stock for replacements.
*Any further questions, please email us at
About Preorder Cancellation
We will not allow preorder cancellations for any game deemed Limited Edition, Collector’s Edition, Special Edition, Bonus Edition, Steelbook Edition and Items that come with preorder bonuses. All sales are considered final.
We will allow preorder cancellation for Standard Edition games only.
For Standard Edition’s, once we print the shipping label for your preordered item, we will not be able to cancel your order. Please make sure to contact us by the Monday before the release date of your pre-ordered product.
For example, if the product release date is 2/24, we will accept requests for cancellation until 2/16.