PM Studios is pioneering a transformation in the way people play videogames. We are building deeper relationships with our players by keeping games fresh with new content and engaging live services. This has fundamentally changed our business model, moving from a dependency on game launches to generating stable revenue year around driven by live services. Diversification across geographies, game platforms, game genres and player demographics further adds to the stability of the model.
PM Studios is pioneering a transformation in the way people play videogames. We are building deeper relationships with our players by keeping games fresh with new content and engaging live services. This has fundamentally changed our business model, moving from a dependency on game
PM Studios is pioneering a transformation in the way people play videogames. We are building deeper relationships with our players by keeping games fresh with new content and engaging live services. This has fundamentally changed our business model, moving from a dependency on game launches to generating stable revenue year around driven by live services. Diversification across geographies, game platforms, game genres and player demographics further adds to the stability of the model.
PM Studios is pioneering a transformation in the way people play videogames. We are building deeper relationships with our players by keeping games fresh with new content and engaging live services. This has fundamentally changed our business model, moving from a dependency on game

With more than 50 songs to choose from, MUSYNX is the next destination of choice for rhythm game fans to rock out and stretch their rhythmic fingers! The simple, organic game mechanics will put players to the test with rhythms and beats like no other. With multiple difficulty levels and a huge range of genres to choose from (pop, classical, trance, vocaloid, R&B, and more), players will be glued to their Nintendo Switch for hours and hours, whether at home or on the go.
Originally developed and published as a mobile app, MUSYNX has received overwhelmingly positive reviews and fan feedback from all over the world. PM Studios is now stepping in to help for this Nintendo Switch version to give it an all-new look from the inside out. The game will feature over 50 musical selections at release. Those who played MUSYNX on mobile are sure to have a familiar, yet totally fresh, experience.
Rhythm, Action
PM Studios, acttil, Limited Run Games
Jun. 24, 2014